As you can see my projects are in a wide range of categories. Many of these are pictures of things I have worked on in the past semester with my students. The first image are some almond cinnamon rolls with hot glaze and powdered sugar. The one that includes the picture of me is chocolate cappuccino mousse in a chocolate coffee cup with a cocoa nib florentine sticking out the top. Below that are the chocolates I am most known for, a layering of ganache and marshmallow enrobed in chocolate. The picture is courtesy of Tessa, a past student of mine. Finally there is a photo of a rosemary fougasse. As far as a bit of history about me goes, I am currently a senior psychology student at Carnegie Mellon University.

I am interning for the summer with an amazing nutritionist in New York City and plan to do my graduate work in nutrition and public health. May aims are to continue baking, but learn to do so in a way that I am not becoming unhealthy or causing others to do the same. It is no small task, baking is a perilous thing to undertake when the intention is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Ive also heard many people say that truly great chefs and bakers must be fat, because if they aren't then they don't sample enough of their own products. My take is, if you know enough science about food, you don't need to experiment or sample nearly as much. We will see if I'm right in the long run. My class at CMU is incredibly fun and the students have only exceeded my expectations.

Much of the reason I bake so constantly is to be sure I am giving them the best advise I possibly could. I feel that while it is great to have the time to read dozens of professional pasty and chocolate books as I do, theres something to be said for getting all of that knowledge, plus some stuff you just get with experience, out of a class. Hopefully that class has turned a lot of people onto baking. It ranges in every category, from breads to pastries to chocolates to confections. I will write this blog much like I taught the course, with as much science and advise thrown in as I can possibly muster. If there is anything you guys would like me to make and document, please let me know, Ill put it in the next post.

Right now I am doing as much with breads as I can possibly do. After this post I am going to post some photos of the two projects I have currently, Chocolates and breads. Its a nice dichotomy that keeps me up to my ears in calories :)
1 comment:
Yum, I recognize that photo ;) Lovely blog, Juli!
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